Olivia turned 18 months old on Saturday and her checkup was today (well.. technically yesterday), I can't believe she's one and a half
already! While we were in the waiting room, she was playing with all the
toys and running around (per usual). They have a fun house mirror on the wall and it made her head look really
long and big so she kept touching her head while she was looking at herself, she seemed so confused. It was so funny, I couldn't stop
laughing and everyone probably thought I was crazy. She was such a good
girl at the appointment, she cried for her shot but once I showed her
the Sesame Street app on my phone, she was fine. She was mad at the
doctor though, she wouldn't say bye to her. The doctor said she looks
great, she went up a bit in height (15%) and stayed on her curve for
weight (10%). I know those are low percentages but I always keep in mind
that she was below the charts at one point so for her that is pretty
awesome! The doctor suggested weaning Olivia off the bottle but she will not drink milk cold or from a sippy cup (she will only drink water from her sippy cup) so this will be a challenge. Any tips or suggestions on that, feel free to comment! Her next check up wont be until she is two, which seems so far away but I'm sure it will come a lot quicker than I want. I had to work tonight but Paul and Livy came to visit me and have some dinner, it was fun seeing them for a little bit but I wish I could have left with them. Work was pretty busy and now I'm exhausted. Once I got home, I sat on the couch and watched my shows while eating a nice big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, it was pretty amazing. Now it's time for bed, (way past what a normal bedtime should be) hopefully I can get some sleep tonight!
The waiting room is her favorite part!
This is what she was doing when we got home, my goodness.
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